The following is an account of a cliff railway that was proposed from the Quay to Brixham Station for the transportation of passengers and goods. The Brixham Western Guardian reported this on the dates shown. With thanks to the Brixham Heritage Museum Archives.

5th May 1906

Plans were presented to Brixham Council for the proposed cliff railway. The railway would start near Mr William Brewer’s office (Fish Merchant) near the Quay. It would then cross under Higher Street near the junction of Higher Street and Prospect Road, continuing near the last two houses in Prospect Place Terrace. It is understood that it would be worked by electric.

16th August 1906

The promoters of the proposed cliff railway are Messrs J A and W Purves of Exeter. The gauge of the railway would be 6ft for the passenger and goods traffic. No parliamentary powers will be applied, except where it crosses public roads.

4th October 1906

Council passed plans for cliff railway bridges at South Furzeham Road and Prospect Road, subject to certain provisos.

6th December 1906

Council has instructed the Clerk to prepare an agreement with Messrs Purves in the matter of the proposed cliff railway. Motive power has not been decided.

3rd January 1907

Plans for the cliff railway have been under the Council’s notice.

10th January 1907

The Clerk presented the draft agreement for the cliff railway.

1st April 1907

Messrs Purves could not accept the conditions in the draft agreement for the cliff railway. Some of the Councillors thought the Council was trying to ‘scupper’ the scheme, however, the Council felt they had to protect their interests.

9th May 1907

The cliff railway was discussed at a Council meeting with Mr Purves in attendance. The Council agreed to amend the wording of the application of the Council’s byelaws to the proposed undertaking.

6th June 1907

The Council agreed to delete an item in the byelaws to which Messrs Purves objected.

Unfortunately, no further information has been found at this stage by our researcher regarding the cliff railways plans.