As our exciting community project gathers pace we are in the planning stages of the Brixham Railway Heritage Trail route, putting together a scope of works document to help determine what needs to be undertaken from an engineering point of view as well as other works to be carried out to establish the costs involved, what environmental aspects need to be careful managed, and many other considerations.

This week we discovered, through a Facebook post, that the vegetation covering the little ‘occupation’ bridge on Sun Valley Close has been cut back by the Lengthsmen from Brixham Town Council (BTC).

While we are pleased that this has been done, and has brought into sight the little historic bridge, there has been concern raised about this being a habitat for sparrows.  The Brixham Railway Heritage Trail project team was not aware that the BTC were planning to cut back the overgrowth / vegetation.
This was done without the knowledge of any of our project team.
While the results look great, and it is brilliant to see the old bridge, I’m not certain if the Brixham Town Council (BTC) were aware of the since advised sparrow habitat, as we were not involved.
We will liaise with the BTC in regards to any other proposed / planned work along any part of the planned railway trail.

What we can assure the local community is that prior to starting any of our works, including cutting back the vegetation along the old branch line, a full environmental survey will take place in consultation with the land owners, their agents, the local authorities and other conservation groups.

We realise, and are respectful, of the fact that this has potentially become a habitat for wildlife and so we plan to combine the walking trail, along the track bed between North Boundary Road and Bridge Road (Churston) section of the overall trail, as a heritage and nature trail taking great care of the area, and it’s possible inhabitants.

We hope to highlight some of the trees, plants, and other flora / fauna , as well as other natural highlights with information boards made from sustainable materials.

We will shortly be sharing our project plan with the local community, once we have agreement from our key stakeholders including the Churston Barony, who we are in contact with.

We are also planning an open evening in late September to provide an opportunity for people to come along and find out more about this community project.

Did you know that there were originally eight bridges along the old Brixham Branch Line, six of the originals remain in place today (including the one at Sun Valley Close).

Thank you.

The Brixham Railway Heritage Trail project team.