by brhtadmin | Oct 2, 2022 | Pictures
This is a diagram of the same steam engine class that ran on the Brixham Railway line. It’s the same specification as the steam engine number 1466 that you can see on our home page. The Didcot Railway Centre is currently restoring a 1466...
by brhtadmin | Oct 2, 2022 | Pictures
Brixham Railway Station in Victorian times. This image gives you a good idea of what Brixham Railway Station looked like in the late 19th century. Note the unusual appearance of the tracks which look very different to modern railway lines. At the time the photograph...
by brhtadmin | Oct 1, 2022 | Pictures
The remains of a Brixham Railway Bridge at Sun Valley Close in Brixham. This picture was taken in August 2022 after the vegitation had been cleared away (not by us) to reveal the bridge, which is remarkably intact. In it’s day, this was an “occupation...
by brhtadmin | Aug 26, 2022 | News
As our exciting community project gathers pace we are in the planning stages of the Brixham Railway Heritage Trail route, putting together a scope of works document to help determine what needs to be undertaken from an engineering point of view as well as other works...